Tag: industry

15Aug, 2013

Seagate Joins Industry Leaders To Form New Storage Association

Launches Storage Products Association with HGST, Toshiba and WD  Jakarta, August 15, 2013 — Seagate Technology plc (NASDAQ:STX), a world leader in storage solutions, today announced that it has co-founded the Storage Products Association (SPA), a new forum designed to educate consumers and professionals alike about the critical role...

14Aug, 2013

Communicating in Technology Industry

By: Rachma Nadya, Putri Rizky Pramadhani One of the major challenges faced by PR practitioners is representing technology clients. This is due to the distinctive character of the technology practice that requires quick action and fast-changing information. Imagine,only a few weeks after ran innovative product is launched, another product...

12Nov, 2012

Brand Journalism: Ketika Semua Perusahaan adalah Perusahaan Media

Oleh: Oscar Prajnaphalla dan Putri Rizky Pramadhani Perkembangan dunia maya dan media sosial belakangan ini telah merombak definisi tradisional mengenai media. Sebelumnya, media diartikan sebagai media massa, seperti surat kabar, majalah, radio, atau televisi yang memiliki kemampuan untuk menyebarluaskan sebuah informasi. Namun, dengan adanya media sosial, kini semua bisa...