Photo : (From right to left) Mesty Ariotedjo (New Brand Ambassador of Wardah) , Rifina Afandi (Brand Manager of Wardah), Indra Herlambang (MC)
Wardah one of the leading halal cosmetics brand in Indonesia, held Wardah Beauty and Beyond, an event that invites Indonesian women to be inspiring women through inspiring activity. In this event, Wardah introduces their Newest Brand Ambassador, Mesty Ariotedjo to the public and launch the new Wardah shampoo product. The event was held on 16th of November 2017 at Pullman Jakarta Ballroom Hotel, Jakarta.
Rifina Afandi, Brand Manager Wardah Indonesia quoted “ We believe, Mesty Ariotedjo is a woman who represents the figure of Inspiring Beauty, which is a woman that not only beautiful but also positively inspiring for the environment. Mesty is known as multitalented women in music; she also has a concern for other women, as we can see from the various social activity she had done. This is in line with the values of Wardah which encourage Indonesian women to become a beauty-inspiring woman through the various positive activity for society.”

Photo : (From right to left) Natasha Rizki (Brand Ambassador of Wardah Shampoo), Dewi Sandra (Brand Ambassador of Wardah Shampoo), Mesty Ariotedjo(New Brand Ambassador OF wARDAH), dr. Sari Chaerunnisa (R&D Director and Dermatologist of Wardah), Rifina Afandi (Brand Manager of Wardah)
Through this event, Wardah also launched Wardah Hair Innovation products which are Wardah Shampoo to solve women hair’s problem especially women who wearing hijab. Dewi Sandra and Natasha Rizki are invited as a Brand Ambassador of Wardah Shampoo. They are encouraged Indonesian women to come up with fit hair inside out so they have confidence in expressing themselves and doing inspirational activity for the community.
Shiva Vinneza, a Public Relations Consultant of Fortune PR, said, “Wardah Beauty and Beyond proved the consistency of Wardah in inspiring Indonesian women to accomplish more achievement and generate kindness. Through Mesty Ariotedjo as an Inspiring figure and the new addition of Wardah’s Brand Ambassador, launched the new shampoo for Indonesian women. A very inspiring program.”
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