Category: Blog post

05May, 2014

Health Apps That You Should Try and How They Build Brand Equity

By: Ayu Meganingrum, Okke Wulandari, dan Indira Abidin The industry has begun to develop new digital offers: health-monitoring apps are on the rise, hospital patient portal online is growing, and patients are encouraged to review online websites to share their experiences. We use the advantages of digital health applications...

05May, 2014

Seven Habits of Highly Creative People

By: Krismilani, Indira Abidin Creativity and innovation comes from the intention to make lives better. Let’s take a look at the story of William Addis, the inventor of toothbrush. When he was jailed in 1770, he decided that the method used to clean teeth at that time, rubbing a rag with soot and salt on...

05May, 2014

Accu Chek

DIABETES Menurut Kementrian Kesehatan pada tahun 2013, penduduk Indonesia yang berusia lebih dari usia 15 tahun yang mengidap Diabetes sebanyak 6,9%. Prevalensi Diabetes tertinggi yang terdiagnosis oleh dokter di Indonesia adalah: Yogyakarta (2,6%) DKI Jakarta (2,5%) Sulawesi Utara (2,4%) Kalimantan Timur (2,3%) Wanita di perkotaan dengan pendidikan tinggi mempunyai...

24Mar, 2014

Promoting Events Using Social Media

By Oscar Prajnaphalla Social media has become an integral part of today’s society. In addition to using mass media channels, event promotion should also optimize the use of social media both in preparation and during implementation. The challenge for PR professionals is the many kinds of social media channels...

24Mar, 2014

Promosi Event Lewat Media Sosial

Oleh Oscar Prajnaphalla Media sosial sudah menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari masyarakat masa kini. Kegiatan promosi event selain dilakukan lewat kanal media massa, ada baiknya juga memaksimalkan penggunaan media sosial baik dalam persiapan maupun pelaksanaannya. Tantangan para praktisi PR ialah berbagai kanal media sosial yang ada, sehingga seringkali...

17Mar, 2014

Universal Principles of Service Companies in the World

By Muhammad Syarifullah A president, a CEO, and even a mother of an eight-year-old child have the role of leadership. The roles share some certain common principles, the most important of which is the fact that a good leadership comes from a good service. All large service companies in...

14Mar, 2014

Prinsip Universal Perusahan Jasa Di Dunia

Oleh Muhammad Syarifullah Seorang presiden, CEO, bahkan ibu seorang anak usia 8 tahun semuanya berada dalam posisi kepemimpinan. Posisi-posisi itu sama-sama memiliki prinsip umum tertentu, dimana yang paling penting diantaranya adalah kenyataan bahwa kepemimpinan yang baik datangnya melalui pelayanan yang baik. Semua perusahaan jasa besar di dunia ini juga...

05Mar, 2014

Formal vs. Informal Communication in Event Management

By: Riva and Indira Abidin An organization cannot operate without communication. If there is no communication, employees will know nothing about what their co-workers are doing, leaders cannot receive any information, providers cannot give instructions, work coordination cannot be done, and the organization will collapse because of lack of...

03Mar, 2014

Komunikasi Formal vs Informal Dalam Event Management

Oleh Riva Tirta dan Indira Abidin Organisasi tidak mungkin berada tanpa komunikasi. Apabila tidak ada komunikasi, para pegawai tidak dapat mengetahui apa yang dilakukan rekan sekerjanya, pimpinan tidak dapat menerima masukan informasi, dan para penyedia tidak dapat memberikan instruksi, koordinasi kerja tidak mungkin dilakukan, dan organisasi akan runtuh karena...

10Jan, 2014

What is the Future for Corporate Communications?

By: Oscar Prajnaphalla and Putri Rizky Pramadhani Rapid technological developments in recent years have changed the corporate communications practice worldwide. Communication via the Internet has become a common thing and starts replacing the traditional communication channels. Then, what will it be like in the future? We can predict that...