16Nov, 2016

PERHUMAS Held PR Workshop in Yogyakarta

public relations, PERHUMAS Held PR Workshop in Yogyakarta-Public Relations and Communications Business Portal News Indonesia

Photo: Thomas Franky with PR practitioners in the PERHUMAS PR Workshop

Being a skilled Public Relations practitioner is the dream of every PR practitioner. They need the necessary skills, knowledge, and the right qualifications to provide excellence PR services for both brand/company and its public.

On November 10-11th 2016, PERHUMAS Yogyakarta held an interesting workshop attended by 12 PR practitioners from Yogyakarta and surrounding area. The workshop, which was held at the Premiere Inn Hotel, was aimed to give the participants a broader knowledge about Strategic Public Relations Management, presented by Fortune PR’s Managing Director, Thomas Franky.

The two-days workshop delivered two different themes for each day. On the first day, Thursday (10/11) the participants had the opportunity to learn about the Strategic Public Relations Management, which is an important skill that every PR practitioners should possess. The Strategic Public Relations Management includes the ability to identify any form of opportunities and risks that are faced by a brand or institution, and implementing the PR strategy to catch opportunities and minimize the risks.

On the second day of the workshop, Friday (11/11), Thomas Franky shared an impressive knowledge about the Public Relations and Digital Measurement, where the skill of measuring successful PR or digital campaigns is important for PR practitioners. The objective of the workshop was to improve the participants’ skills in the present PR situation and further develop their professionalism in the PR industry in Indonesia.


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